This site is a trial for the re-establishment of native grasses and forbs within a predominately exotic dominated site.
The site was prepared by removing the top 10mm of soil with an excavator with the excess soil spread surrounding the site. Removing the top layer of soil assisted with removing the existing weed seed bank and exposed the nutrient depleted sub-soil.
The volunteer group then maintained the site by weeding for the following six months. Some weeds germinated, predominantly Patterson Curse which is an early coloniser and was assisted by the wet seasons experience during the La Nina weather patterns.
Native grass seed and native forb thatch was spread by the volunteer group in October 2022. Larger debris (sticks etc) were added to reduce the movement of the seed via water and wind.
Species identified by volunteers at the Grass ID class run by ecologist, Zohara Lucas, in Autumn 2023:
- Panicum effusum Hairy Panic
- Eragrostis curvula African Love Grass (invasive exotic)
- Aristida ramosa Purple Wiregrass
- Chloris truncata Windmill Grass
Lolium perenne Perennial Ryegrass (exotic)
- Wahlenbergia communis Tufted Bluebell
- Rytidosperma caespitosum var. sub. species Wallaby Grass
- Bothriocholoa macra Redleg Grass
- Hypochaeris gladbra Flat weed (exotic)
- Holcus lanatus Yorkshire fog (exotic)
- Euchiton sphaericus Japanese Cudweed (despite name is a native)
- Gamochaeta purpurea Spiked Cudweed (exotic)
- Conyza bonariensis Flax-leaved Fleabane (exotic)
- Plantago lanceolata Ribwort/Plantain (exotic)
- Avena fatua Wild oats (exotic)
- Chrysocephalum species unknown
- Polygonum aviculare Wire weed (exotic)
Pigeon grass (species unknown)
This project is run with thanks to funding from the 2020-2021 ACT Government Environment Grant program.