The ACT Landcare Awards were held on March 10th 2022, at Gold Creek Station, Hall. Outstanding contributions of individuals, schools, groups and organisations in caring for the land and water in the ACT region were recognised and celebrated. Landcare ACT received 37 nominations in 11 categories. The winners will go forward as nominees for the 2022 National Landcare Awards, held in Sydney in August.
Southern ACT Catchment Group would like to proudly highlight some of the 2021 Landcare Award Winners from the Southern Catchment:
- Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award – Deb Kellock
- ACT Government Quiet Achiever Award – Gudgenby Bush Regenerators Group
- Australian Government Partnerships for Landcare Award – The ACT Healthy Waterways partnership between the Southern ACT Catchment Group, Ginninderra Catchment Group, Molonglo Conservation Group and ACT Government
- Highly Commended- the Australian Community Media Landcare Community Group Award- Minders About Simpsons Hill
The hard work and commitment from our landcare community deserves to be celebrated every day, and the contributions made by these individuals go a long way in making our part of the world greener and more sustainable for future generations.

Here is the full list of amazing winners from around the ACT Region:
ACM Landcare Community Group Award – Friends of Mount Majura
Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award – Deb Kellock
Australian Government Landcare Farming Award – Mount Majura Vineyard
Australian Government Partnerships for Landcare Award – The ACT Healthy Waterways partnership between the Southern ACT Catchment Group, Ginninderra Catchment Group, Molonglo Conservation Group and ACT Government
KPMG Indigenous Land Management Award – Karen Denny
Steadfast Young Landcare Leadership Award – Fred McGrath Weber
Woolworths Junior Landcare Team Award – North Ainslie Primary School and P&C
ACT Government Citizen Science Award – Dr Rosemary Purdie
ACT Government Quiet Achiever Award – Gudgenby Bush Regenerators Group
Landcare ACT Photography Awards – Amateur – Jim Lehane
Landcare ACT Photography Awards – Professional – Ian Houghton