The Friends of Tidbinbilla work alongside rangers to help to protect the natural and cultural environment of Tidbinbilla nature reserve, south of Canberra along the Paddys River Road in the Tidbinbilla valley.
The group have been working quietly in the reserve since January 1992. Over the last few years we have worked on:
- Waterwatch and Water bug Snapshots
- Bird surveys
- Weed removal
- Track maintenance
- Frog watch
- maintenance of heritage sites
- development of interpretive signage
- Removing old tree guards from plants in the heritage camellia patch in TNR.
Friends’ activities are generally scheduled for the second and third Saturdays of each month. The second Saturday is usually Waterwatch activities. Meet at the Ranger Depot at 10.00am and usually finish around midday. Weeding at Turkey Hill
All members must sign on and off before and after an activity.
Please report any incidents or issues to Rangers.
Note: On days of Total Fire Ban, the Reserve may be closed. Please call the Visitors Centre on 6205 1233 for further information.
For more information about Friends of Tidbinbilla and getting involved, please contact Fiona at