Holder Landcare group have been undertaking habitat restoration in a 1600sqm area at the Stapylton Street end of Bill Kennedy Memorial Park (BKMP), Holder, since 2020.
The remnant vegetation within BKMP is a degraded patch of Blakely’s Red Gum – Yellow Box tall grassy woodland where a few significant hollow bearing eucalyptus trees have been identified. Prior to these Landcare activities there was little understory and a lack of native grasses and groundcovers.
Following the methods undertaken at the Fowles Street woodland restoration project, and by removing mowing from much of the site, the group has successfully reinstated a grassy woodland ecosystem to part of this park.
To contact Holder Landcare Group, email communications@sactcg.org.au
How to get involved
Our volunteers are all ages. We welcome everyone.
Contact: holderlandcare@gmail.com or contact SACTCG at communications@sactcg.org.au
For more info check out the Facebook Page
Contact the Holder Landcare volunteers directly