SACTCG Objectives

As set out in the Constitution of the Southern ACT Catchment Group, the principal purpose of the Association shall be:


  • To improve and maintain the natural environment of the southern ACT in its regional context: improve ecological resilience and maintain the biodiversity values of the region through environmental protection and restoration works.
  • To seek resources and support for environmental aims outlined in the Associations strategic documents including for member community groups to achieve their on-ground goals.
  • To facilitate effective communication and foster and maintain cooperative working relationships with local, regional and national stakeholders and partners. This includes the support, promotion and representation of member groups and the social and environmental benefits of Landcare.
  • To facilitate community capacity building, leadership, awareness raising, education and engagement in environmental activities in southern ACT. This includes facilitating access to best-practice information and supporting evidence-based decision making and action in environmental management
  • To establish and maintain a public fund for the specific purpose of supporting the environmental objects/purposes of the Association.