Urban Waterways

Water quality is an important issue to many living in the Southern ACT.  

SACTCG is building community interest to form new groups around the new Healthy Waterways sites in Southern ACT. These stewardship groups will build community engagement, develop greater awareness about the function, value and maintenance, and increase utilisation of the healthy waterways sites as recreational areas. The sites we are forming groups at are listed below.  

Did you know that all the water that falls onto your roof and garden, on the roads and gutters, flows straight into the lakes and creeks around you in Canberra? This water, stormwater, is not treated before heading into these water bodies which means what we use on our garden or put down the drain is important! 

SACTCG is also working with the ACT Government to develop community driven education activities aimed at reducing pollutants in the waterways and delivering water education to the broader community and schools. We are aiming to develop greater awareness among local Southern ACT communities about the effects of households on water quality and spread the H2OK messages further in the community. Remember only rain down the stormwater drain! 

You can see the 2019-2020 report on the achievements from the Community Engagement-Waterways Program here. 


Click Here for Upcoming Urban Waterways Events in Southern ACT


LISTEN TO OUR ABC INTERVIEW: Reducing Water pollution: how do rain gardens work in Canberra?

Hannah, our urban water education officer, presented to the Grade 3’s at Holy Family Primary School, see their letters here.


Interested in volunteering in Urban Open Space?

We interviewed Brian Butler-Kemp from TCCS to explore volunteering on urban open spaces and how you can get involved in caring for your local patch.

exploring algal blooms in lake tuggeranong

Listen to an interview with Dr Rod Ubrihien from the University of Canberra, explaining what algal blooms are, what research is taking place on Lake Tuggeranong and how we can stop outbreaks of blue-green algae.



Lake Tuggeranong and Water Quality

As part of our urban waterways education program, we intereviewed Dr Fiona Dyer from the University of Canberra, who shares with us what is algae, what feeds it and how we can all improve the water quality in Lake Tuggeranong.



Southern Canberra has 10 ACT Healthy Waterways sites- from ponds to rain gardens.