The objectives of the project are to revegetate a 4 kilometre stretch of degraded river frontage adjacent to Castle Hill Homestead in Tharwa.
The species selection has been conducted in close consultation with ACT Parks and Conservation Service (PCS) senior ranger (Darren Roso) and ACT Conservation Planning and Research (CPR) scientist (Luke Johnson) and will include a large variety of native shrubs and trees, including (under PCS request) significant numbers of River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) to augment remnant populations along ACT river ways.
All tube stock and tree guards for this project have already been negotiated through Greening Australia. Collection of additional River Red Gum seed stock under PCS supervision has also been planned.
These will be stored, propagated and when ready, planted as a future extension of this project. The planting will complement the considerable efforts of the owner of Castle Hill Homestead, to restore and maintain large areas of EPBC listed vegetation on his property.
The planting will extend a short section of existing ACT listed woodland at the north of end of Castle Hill and extend plantings done by PCS ranger Brian Summers as part of the renowned ‘Million Trees’ program.
While most of the planting under this plan will be conducted in an identified riparian zone this is not exclusive. Enhancement of adjoining stretches of the Murrumbidgee and adjacent creek lines and woodlands with high conservation value are envisaged by all project partners for the near future.