This project is will build on the work undertaken under the 2014/15 Environment Grant “Murrumbidgee River Riparian Revegetation at Castle Hill” extending the revegetation works both up and down stream of this project.
It will also link to plantings undertaken in the Million Trees Program and provide supplement planting to this area. In addition these works will link the Murrumbidgee River Riparian habitat with 350ha of EPBC listed Yellow Box – Red Gum Woodland and 110ha of ACT Government Yellow Box – Red Gum Woodland listed woodland on the property which has been restored and maintained by Geoff Hyles, the owner of Castle Hill Homestead.
Parks and Conservation Service(PCS) consider this section of the ‘Tharwa Reach’ an important stretch of the river bank requiring full rehabilitation and restoration of its ecological health and biodiversity. Previously this significant stretch has scored poorly under scientific monitoring, with only a few old remnant trees visible and limited natural revegetation.
The revegetation will take place in the 2 km of river frontage continuing the high planting densities and species mixes as both the adjacent riparian plantings and the woodlands. Additional planting will also be undertaken up creek lines and gullies as appropriate, in consultation with PCS rangers. This project will also build on the strong partnership between the Castle Hill property, SACTCG and PCS and with the inclusion of the Green Army Team and CVA demonstrates a strong community /government collaboration.