Steam Weeder Trial

SACTCG has established an innovative program to safely treat invading weeds in urban reserves and open space in the ACT. The Environmental Steam Weeding Program provides a solution to the risks and growing fears of chemical spraying impacts on the health of environmental volunteers, waterways and native environments, with the availability of a trailer mounted Satusteam™ machine. As this is the first of these machines to be available for community use in the region, community interest is extremely high. The program allows weeding to be extended to all year long compared to chemical treatments which occur only when plants are in full growth ie. mostly spring. SACTCG have extensive experience in delivering similar machinery lending programs for community weed control.

The new steam weeder was trialled at Cuppacumbalong Homestead near Tharwa on Staurday 26th October . A number of landholders and volunteers attended the trial event where they learnt how to operate the steam weeder and saw the impact it had on weeds in the area. The steam weeder should soon be available to landholders and member groups to hire from SACTCG. 


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