Fisher Parkland is the area within the southern boundary of the suburb of Fisher, the Tuggeranong Parkway, Namatjira Drive and Sulwood Drive. It is part of Canberra’s Urban Parks and Places, designated as semi-natural open space Fisher Parkland is the area within the southern boundary of the suburb of Fisher, the Tuggeranong Parkway, Namatjira Drive and Sulwood Drive. It is part of Canberra’s Urban Parks and Places, designated as semi-natural open space.
Parts of the Parkland contain remnant native vegetation, and many varieties of birds use the area as a corridor between Cooleman Ridge and Mount Taylor. Kangaroos, reptiles and other wildlife hold an attraction to users of the Parkland. The dam provides a habitat for ducks, frogs and yabbies.
The aims of the group are to restore the remnant native vegetation across the Parkland to:
- Help ensure that the area continues to provide a vegetative and wildlife corridor between Mount Taylor and Cooleman Ridge;
- Secure the various management zones;
- Prevent the misuse of the parkland; and
- Prevent the misuse of the parkland; and
- Create a quiet, safe recreation area.
At the moment the Group is working on: general weed control across the Parkland.
The Group holds working bees every 2-4 months. Information about working bees is available in the newsletter – contact Naarilla to be put on the newsletter distribution list.
Contact Us
Naarilla Hirsch: Email
Phone 6288 2413 (leave a message)