Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland

How to get involved

If you would like to volunteer with the group or get more information contact

About us

The Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland are a community group who formed with the purpose of protecting a small patch of Red Gum-Yellow Box Grassy Woodland in the suburb of Hughes. Hughes Grassy Woodland is located in 2 sections- section 58 is in between Kent and Groom Streets and Section 57, the area east of Kent St and running into Red Hill Nature Park . The woodland is an important ecological community- home to numerous species of native plants and two registered significant trees.

Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland is a recipient of an ACT Environment Grant which will be used to enhance bird habitat in the woodland by planting native food plants.


Check out the species that have been found in Hughes Grassy Woodland using Canberra Nature Map’s Digital Field Guide


Contact the Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland directly

While your here

Check out this cute story about the rescue of a Gang-gang chick in Hughes Grassy Woodland 👇