Holder Wetlands Volunteer Group

How to get involved

The group meets on the second Sunday of each month – 10am-12pm during Winter, and 9am-11am in Summer.

To get involved use the contact form below or join the facebook group.

Who we are

The Holder Wetlands is a new ACT Governments Healthy Waterway Program site.

The Holder Wetlands Urban Landcare Group has been formed to look after and protect the Holder Wetlands, so that it remains a quality and lasting asset to the surrounding suburbs and Canberra.

“Our vision is a thriving wetland in a thriving community.”


The group hard at work
A map of the area

Our aims

1. Instil a sense of stewardship of the wetlands in the community.

2. Maintain and improve the condition of the wetlands.

3. Work collaboratively with the ACT Government to demonstrate the effectiveness of the community stewardship model

Our Objectives

1. Coordinate a monthly working bee at the wetland.

2. Deliver an annual work program agreed with ACT Government.

3. Coordinate a citizen science program to monitor the health and performance of the wetlands.

4. Bring a community perspective to contribute to future decisions about site management and enhancement.

5. Be a source of information for the community about the wetland.

6. Promotion and engagement relating to the wetland.

7. Monitor the site as it establishes and feed any relevant information that could strengthen site management to the SACTCG and TCCS.

8. Provide a group of like-minded residents and others to meet, socialise, plan and do volunteer work in the Holder Wetlands area.


Find out what species have been spotted in Holder Wetlands with Canberra Nature map’s Digital Field Guide

Contact the Friends of Holder Wetlands Directly