Fetherston Gardens Friends

How to get involved

The group meets on the last Sunday of each month – 10am-1pm (except December and January). Morning tea is around 11:30am. There are also working bees on the second Wednesday of every month, though these typically don’t include morning tea.

Our volunteers are all ages. We welcome everyone.

To get involved with volunteering with the Friends of Fetherston Gardens please send a message using the contact form below 

For more info check out the Facebook Page or check out their newsletters HERE. 

About The Gardens

Fetherston Gardens is a public garden under the control of the ACT Government’s City Services.

The 3.5 hectare garden was originally designed and developed as part of the Canberra Institute of Technology’s School of Horticulture. The School was opened in 1974.

The Gardens were named after the first and longest serving Head of Horticulture, Tony Fetherston, who inspired their planning and development. The Horticultural School’s Weston Campus was closed in 2009 and the Gardens were abandoned. In response to representations from the local and horticultural communities and the Weston Creek Community Council, the ACT Government set aside the Gardens for use by the Weston Creek community.

The Gardens are situated in Fetherston Place, off Heysen Street in Weston. They include an established arboretum, woodland garden, native garden, and “secret garden”. The Gardens are maintained by volunteers of Friends of Fetherston Gardens and the ACT Government.

Please keep to the designated pathways and respect the integrity of the gardens. The gardens are intended to be for general community enjoyment and not for exclusive use by any group. Dogs must be kept on a leash and under control at all times.




About Fetherston Gardens Friends 

The Fetherston Gardens Friends were formed in 2010 to restore Fetherston Gardens for the use of our local community. The Friends aim to ensure the legacy of these Gardens is maintained by continuing the tradition of an informal and diverse garden that promotes horticultural education and knowledge. The Friends coordinate community participation in the Garden’s re-development. A dedicated group of volunteers preserve, maintain, clear, mulch, and plant new trees, shrubs and bulbs. Many of these new plantings have been donated by volunteers and local interest groups, supported by grants and fundraising activities. The work in this Garden is done in conjunction with the ACT Government and supported by the Weston Creek Community Council.


Your participation is welcome!

Contact the Friends of Featherston Gardens directly