Oakey Hill Parkcare Group

How to get involved

Oakey Hill Parkcare is an informal group of like-minded volunteers who meet on the third Sunday of each month usually from 9-12pm to undertake practical conservation work in the Oakey Hill Nature Reserve in Lyons, ACT.

Go to the Oakey Hill Parkcare Facebook Page or contact communications@sactcg.org.au

About us

Over the past 14 years we have helped to keep Oakey Hill clear of weeds, maintain walking tracks and generally preserve and protect the natural qualities of this reserve. New volunteers always welcome! Remember to bring gloves, use sunblock and bring a drink of water.

Check out the all the species that have been spotted in Oakey Hill using Canberra Nature Map’s Digital Field Guide








Contact the Friends of Oakey Hill directly



Oakey Hill’s Nodal Strategy


Oakey Hill Parkcare Group have developed a conservation strategy, by identifying nodes of high conservation value, weed incursions, and/or other conservation issues that exist on the site.

Check out the strategy below: