Parkcarers of Southern Murrumbidgee

POSM are a small, informal, enthusiastic ParkCare group who take care of an area on the Murrumbidgee River, from Point Hut Crossing to Pine Island, including part of Barney’s Hill. It’s a beautiful area, frequently used by runners, walkers and dog walkers, and people swimming and kayaking.

POSM formed in 1992 and we have members who have been with the group for over 10 years.

Our activities include planting, seed collection, weeding (cut & dab, and occasionally spraying) and erosion control. Sometimes we work with one of the rangers.

To find out more about an activity and to confirm where we are meeting please contact Paul on 040 707 1037, or contact


Murrumbidgee River (photo: Lauren Carter)


We meet for a working party once a month, from 9am to 12pm, meeting at the Point Hut Crossing carpark or at the pipeline track on Woodcock Drive, depending where we plan to work. Equipment is provided but if you have a favourite tool such as loppers, secateurs, mattock etc please bring it. You’ll need sturdy shoes, long pants, gardening gloves a hat and sun protection, and always bring water. Wearing layers of clothing works well in our variable climate.

The plant diversity in the area is fantastic – from grevilleas to casuarinas to eucalypts, with many small shrubs, forbs and grasses such as blue devils and kangaroo grass.

We often see kangaroos, Cunningham’s skinks and other lizards, and sometimes echidnas, as well as many different birds.

Join us

If you would like to join our group, we’d love to have you along. It’s very rewarding to see the difference we’ve made over the years. You can find out when our next activity is on the ParkCare Hub.

If you are interested in finding out more about the POSM group please contact Paul on 040 707 1037, or contact




POSM, surrounded by empty seedling pots, September 2013 (photo: Paul Room)


See Lauren’s beautiful photos on Flickr here

We stumbled across some amazing photos of our parkcare area from 1969. It is cleared agricultural land, apart from right on the river. Amazing to see the difference today, thanks to a few government plantings and then the efforts of volunteers in POSM over the last 20 years (with 8 or so of those in drought). We feel quite proud about the difference we’re making. You can see the 1969 photos here

Thank you to Andrew Hore for our beautiful POSM logo.

Check out the all the species that have been spotted in the Murrumbidgee River Corridor using Canberra Nature Map’s Digital Field Guides

Contact the Parkcarers of Southern Murrumbidgee directly