Weston Creek Orchard

How to get involved

Working bees are open to anyone, and are usually held every 3rd Sunday of the month from 10am. To get involved please use the contact form below to speak to the Weston Creek Orchard directly. For more information about the orchard and upcoming events, go to the Weston Creek Orchard Facebook Page or contact communications@sactcg.org.au

About us

The Weston Creek Orchard is been established as a community orchard in Weston Creek, Canberra. It utilises the old CIT orchard that has been left and neglected for the past 10+ years.

The group’s aims are to rejuvenate the site and fruit trees as a community orchard using organic, permaculture and biodynamic practices.  This will strengthen the plants, soil and creating habitat while supporting the growth of nutritious healthy fruit for the community. The group also aims to support community education on the care of fruit trees and understanding of organic and biodynamic agricultural practices and sustainable land management.



Adopt-A-Park Program

Weston Creek Orchard Group have been successful in obtaining grants from the ACT Government’s Adopt-a-Park community grants program 2020. The activities covered by the grant include: native bee friendly planting; establishing a watering system for the fruit trees; and to scope and draft a water harvesting and wetland development plan.

Find out what species you can find in Weston Creek by visiting Canberra Nature Map’s Digital Field Guide

Contact the Weston Creek Orchard directly