
Minders about Simpsons Hill (MASH) is a Parkcare Group for Simpsons Hill nature preserve in Chisholm, ACT. The group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month between 10-12pm at Simpsons Hill flagpole for landcare activities such as weed and erosion control, occasional planting and raising community awareness. Current …

A new community volunteer group to ensure Griffith Woodland is accessible to all and to preserve its inherent beauty for future generations. We meet every third Sunday of the month on the hilltop of the woodland from 9am. For more information, check out their webpage or email  

Join Oakey Hill ParkCare Group for a working party 9am-12pm every third Sunday of the Month. Everyone welcome, please wear sturdy shoes, wear appropriate clothing and bring a water bottle and sunprotection, as well as gloves if you have them, and something to share for morning tea! For more information, …

Community working bees will be held throughout the year on the 3rd Sunday of each month to maintain and develop Weston Orchard. All are warmly welcomed. During Summer we will finish at lunch time to avoid the afternoon heat. Times: 10:00am –2:00pm. There will be a shared lunch at 1pm …

The group meets once a month on the third Sunday of every month for a group working party. They meet in the mornings during November, December, Jan and Feb (8.30am-11am), and in the afternoons (1.30pm-4pm) during the cooler months. The Parkcare members are a lovely group of people to spend …

Working Bee at Urambi Hills, usually held on the last Sunday of every month from 9-11am at the Meredith CCt entrance- 34 Meredith cct Kambah. For more information contact or our facebook page.