Our Groups

Member Group Map
Holder Wetlands Volunteer Group The Fetherston Gardens Friends The Weston Creek Orchard Group The Illoura Horse Owners Group The Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland The Croton Park Carers The Oakey Hill Parkcare Group The Hughes Garran Woodland Volunteer Group The Red Hill Regeneration Group The Griffith Woodland Volunteers Group The Cooleman Ridge Parkcare Group The Mount Taylor Parkcare Group The Isaacs Ridge/Mount Mugga Mugga Parkcare Group The Crozier Urban Carers The Farrer Ridge Parkcare Group The Friends of Urambi Hills The Tuggeranong Lake (and Catchment) Carers The Parkcarers of Southern Murrumbidgee (POSM) The Friends of Strangers Pond The Minders of Tuggeranong Homestead (MOTH) The Minders About Simpsons Hill (MASH) The Friends of Tuggeranong Hill The Friends of Tidbinbilla The Gudgenby Bush Regeneration Group The Friends of Mawson Ponds The Holder Landcare Group The Cooleman Farm Neighborhood Park Volunteer Group The Friends of Conder Wetlands Hughes Friends of Nature The Friends of Bluett’s Block The Kambah Heights Park Group The Musgrove Musterers The Friends of Wanniassa Hills Holder Wetlands Fetherston Gardens Weston Creek Orchard Illoura Horse Owners Group Hughes Grassy Woodland Croton Park Oakey Hill Hughes Garran Woodland Red Hill Griffith Woodland Cooleman Ridge Isaacs Ridge/Mt Mugga Mugga Crozier Circuit Reserve Farrer Ridge Urambi Hills Tuggeranong Lake Southern Murrumbidgee Strangers Pond Tuggeranong Homestead Simpson Hill Tuggeranong Hill Tidbinbilla Gudgenby Valley Mawson Ponds Bill Kennedy Memorial Park Cooleman Farm Neighbourhood Park Conder Wetlands Hughes (Friends of Nature) Bluett's Block Kambah Heights Musgrove (Musterers) Wanniassa Hills Mount Taylor Yate Rocks Rivett

Holder Wetlands Volunteer Group

The Holder Wetlands Urban Landcare Group formed to look after and protect the Holder Wetlands, so that it remains a good quality and lasting asset to the surrounding suburbs and Canberra.

▸ Held every second Sunday of the month.
▸ 10am–12pm during winter.
▸ 9am–11am during summer
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Fetherston Gardens Friends

The Fetherston Gardens Friends were formed in 2010 to restore Fetherston Gardens for the use of our local community. The Friends aim to ensure the legacy of these Gardens is maintained by continuing the tradition of an informal and diverse garden that promotes horticultural education and knowledge.

▸ The group meets on the last Sunday of each month – 10am-1pm (except December and January). Morning tea is around 11:30am. There are also working bees on the second Wednesday of every month, though these typically don’t include morning tea.
▸ Our volunteers are all ages. We welcome everyone.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Weston Creek Orchard Group

The Weston Creek Orchard Group’s aims are to rejuvenate the site and fruit trees as a community orchard using organic, permaculture and biodynamic practices. This will strengthen the plants, soil and creating habitat while supporting the growth of nutritious healthy fruit for the community. The group also aims to support community education on the care of fruit trees and understanding of organic and biodynamic agricultural practices and sustainable land management.

▸ Working bees are open to anyone, and are usually held every 3rd Sunday of the month from 10am.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Illoura Horse Owners Group

Illoura Horse Owners Group aim is to refurbish the hospital paddock – this means hand remove weeds, snags, rubbish and install several more drinking points. Then ‘corner fence’ two corners to allow tall fast growing native trees and shrubs to grow as shelter that is out of reach of horses.

This group isn't currently seeking new members but if you'd like to get in touch, click the link

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The Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland

The Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland are a community group who formed with the purpose of protecting a small patch of Red Gum-Yellow Box Grassy Woodland in the suburb of Hughes. The woodland is an important ecological community- home to numerous species of native plants and two registered significant trees.

▸ To Join the Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland Click the link below and fill out the contact form

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The Croton Park Carers

Croton Park Carers are a small group of residents living near Croton Park in Rivett. This urban park is quite sparse as dead plants have not been replaced over the years. Their aim is to re-green the park with a variety of local native plants, especially understory species, to provide a haven for residents and residents. Indirectly it is a wonderful opportunity for people to get to know each other and strengthen the local community networks.

This group isn't currently seeking new members, but if you'd like to get in touch click the link below

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The Oakey Hill Parkcare Group

Over the past 14 years the Oakey Hill Parkcare Group have helped to keep Oakey Hill clear of weeds, maintained the walking tracks and preserved the natural qualities of this reserve. New volunteers always welcome! Remember to bring gloves, use sunblock and bring a drink of water.

▸ Held on the third Sunday of Each month usually 9-12pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

All are welcome to join or find out more click the link below

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The Hughes Garran Woodland Volunteer Group

The aim of the Hughes Garran Woodland Group is to develop the Woodland as an amenity park for the local community. It is not a Nature Park, but in the longer term, the aim is to restore the area to look like the original box-gum grassy woodland it once was.

▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.
▸ If you are interested in joining or finding out more click the link below

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The Red Hill Regeneration Group

The Red Hill Regeneratin Group are a volunteer Parkcare Group committed to restoring the native bushland ecology of the Red Hill Nature Reserve in Canberra.

▸ Held on the 1st Sunday of each month, 9am-12:30pm (except for January)
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Griffith Woodland Volunteers Group

Griffith Woodland Volunteer Group aims to protect and improve the urban space off La Perouse Street, Block 55 Section 92. This site contains a wealth of native trees, shrubs and grasses and has many features of endangered Box-Gum Woodland. It needs to be protected and enhanced so that it can remain a valuable recreation area for local residents, and a valuable habitat and food source for native fauna. The Griffith Woodland is currently under pressure due to exotic weed and grass growth which threatens native species.

▸ Usually take place every 3rd Sunday of the month, from 9am to 10:30am– ending in tea and biscuits.
▸ Our volunteers are all ages. We welcome everyone.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Cooleman Ridge Parkcare Group

The Cooleman Ridge Park Care Group consists of local volunteers who work on and for Cooleman Ridge. The aim of the Group is to maintain and increase native species of flora and fauna that are local to the area.

▸ Usually take place every 3rd Sunday of the month, in the mornings during summer and the afternoons during autumn, winter and spring.
▸ A smaller group meets every Friday morning near Kathner St Dam
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Mount Taylor Parkcare Group

The Mount Taylor Parkcare Group meet monthly to continue their work to maintain and extend the progress they have made over the past two decades. By working toward suppressing the spread of weeds, tree/shrub/grass plantings and erosion control we ensure that the mountain maintains its place as a haven for runners, walkers and various animal and plant species.

▸ Mt Taylor ParkCare group run working bees every 1st Sunday of the month (10am-12:30pm) to maintain their local mountain bushland

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The Isaacs Ridge/Mount Mugga Mugga Parkcare Group

The Isaacs Ridge Mount Mugga Mugga ParkCare Group is a small group of volunteers who meet on the second Sunday of each month to carry out weed management and other conservation activities in Mugga Mugga and Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserves.

▸ Second Sunday of each month 9:30 am – 11:30 am
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Crozier Urban Carers

The Crozier Circuit Reserve is located in Kambah on Crozier Cct. The reserve has been landscaped by local residents. It creates an attractive green space among the suburbs. The plantings are all Australian natives and provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. The Crozier Urban Carers contonue the ongoing job of maintaining the reserve.

This group isn't currently seeking new members, but if you'd like to get in touch use the link below

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The Farrer Ridge Parkcare Group

Volunteers have been working on Farrer Ridge Nature Park, since the Landcare movement started in 1989. They have been awarded a Community Landcare Award for their work. Though they have succeeded in removing most woody weeds, they are still being spread by birds from nearby garden plants, we still get some Cotoneasters, Pyracanthas, Tree of Heaven, and Briar Roses.

New members are always welcome!

▸ Volunteers meet once a month usually on the 1st Sunday, and work for 2 hours(10am-12pm)
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Friends of Urambi Hills

Friends of Urambi Hills are a small Parkcare Group who want to learn about the ecosystems on the hills, look after the Hills and meet their neighbours. Join a really lovely group of volunteers as they carry out erosion control, weeding, tree planting and erosion work. First time volunteers are welcome to attend but please let us know by using the link below.

▸ The last Sunday of the Month (9am – 11am)
▸ Meeting at Meredith Circuit entrance to Urambi Hills Reserve (between 34 and 42 Meredith Circuit Kambah)
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Tuggeranong Lake (and Catchment) Carers

The Tuggeranong Lake and Catchment Carers are a community group striving to make Lake Tuggeranong and its surroundings a cleaner, healthier and better place for people to enjoy and wildlife to thrive.

▸ The TLC Group meets ad-hoc to run clean-ups and participates annually in Clean-up Australia Day at the lake.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Parkcarers of Southern Murrumbidgee (POSM)

POSM are a small, informal, enthusiastic ParkCare group who take care of an area on the Murrumbidgee River, from Point Hut Crossing to Pine Island, including part of Barney’s Hill. It’s a beautiful area, frequently used by runners, walkers and dog walkers, and people swimming and kayaking.

▸ Held on the first Saturday of the month from 9am to 12pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Friends of Strangers Pond

The vision of the Friends of Strangers Pond is to maintain and improve this area of Australian bush in Bonython for the preservation of native plants, a home for native animals and for the pleasure of people.

▸ Held on the third Sunday of the month from 10am to 12pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Minders of Tuggeranong Homestead (MOTH)

MOTH is committed to fostering a viable and respectful future for the remnant historic property based on the values of preservation, restoration and enjoyment for all Australians. MOTH demonstrates this commitment by undertaking various landcare and practical tasks and promoting cultural heritage values to the wider community. We would welcome enquiries from community minded people who would like to join us in our landcare work or perhaps help out at some of our other activities – taking guided walks around the property and hosting Sunday afternoon events where distinguished writers and historians give a talk.

▸ Held on Tuesday Mornings
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Minders About Simpsons Hill (MASH)

Minders about Simpsons Hill (MASH) is a Parkcare Group for Simpsons Hill Nature Reserve in Chisholm, ACT.

▸ The group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month between 10-12pm at Simpsons Hill flagpole
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Friends of Tuggeranong Hill

The Friends of Tuggeranong Hill are a collective of volunteers from the Tuggeranong community who get a lot of satisfaction from looking after “our Hill”. Their aims are to reduce invasive weeds, and plant shrubs, trees and grasses to protect locally endangered species.

▸ Held on the second Sunday of the month from 9am to 12pm (earlier for hot days)
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Friends of Tidbinbilla

The Friends of Tidbinbilla have been a fixture of Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve since 1992. We work alongside rangers to help to protect the natural and cultural environment of Tidbinbilla nature reserve, south of Canberra along the Paddys River Road in the Tidbinbilla Valley.

▸ The Friends’ activities are generally scheduled for the second and third Saturdays of each month. The second Saturday is usually Waterwatch activities.
▸ Meet at the Ranger Depot at 10.00am, usually finishing around midday.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Gudgenby Bush Regeneration Group

The Gudgenby Bush Regeneration Group (GRBG) is a park care group established to involve the community in the task of rehabilitating land formerly occupied by a pine plantation in Namadgi National Park, 50 km south of Canberra.

▸ Held on the second Saturday of the month from 9am to 3pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Friends of Mawson Ponds

Friends of Mawson Ponds is an Urban Parks and Places Group established to make the Mawson Pond’s area a great place for both the community and the native flora and fauna. The group has been planting native plants as part of a wildlife corridor, as well as improving the amenity of the space by installing seating and more.

▸ Held every Wednesday morning for an hour and half
▸ 8:30 am (summer), 9:00 am (winter)
▸ We also meet Sunday afternoons several times a year
▸ We finish every working bee with morning tea and a chat
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Holder Landcare Group

Holder Landcare group have been undertaking habitat restoration in a 1600sqm area at the Stapylton Street end of Bill Kennedy Memorial Park (BKMP), Holder, since 2020. The remnant vegetation within BKMP is a degraded patch of Blakely’s Red Gum – Yellow Box tall grassy woodland where a few significant hollow bearing eucalyptus trees have been identified. Prior to these Landcare activities there was little understory and a lack of native grasses and groundcovers.

▸ We aim to meet at least once a month
(either Saturday or Sunday)
▸ We meet more often in Spring and
▸ Around 10 am to 12 noon (accomodating
volunteer availabilty and weather)
▸ Please bring sturdy footwear, sun
protection, water bottle, plus gloves and
gardening tools if possible
▸ Contact us to find out about our next
working bee and how to register as a
member of Holder Community Landcare

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The Cooleman Farm Neighborhood Park Volunteer Group

Cooleman Farm Neighborhood Park Volunteer Group’s long term goals are to develop an aesthetically pleasing, resilient landscape which provides wildlife connectivity, diverse habitat and a variety of spaces for intergenerational recreation and education.
The group is wanting to:
• plant more native plants in the area
• install rocks for habitat and erosion control
• make improvements to the path.

▸ Get in touch below to find out how you can join

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The Friends of Conder Wetlands

The Friends of Conder Wetlands group are an active and engaged group of local volunteers who have dedicated their time to improving and caring for the wetlands and surrounding area. The Friends of Conder Wetlands look after the site by weeding and planting native vegetation to improve the habitat and amenity of the site.

▸ Held on the first Sunday of the month from 9am to 12pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Hughes Friends of Nature

Hughes Friends of Nature Group are a group of Parkcare volunteers of all ages working in the park land running from the Federal Golf Course to Kent Street. An Environment Plan was completed in March 2023 which will guide our activities over the next 10 years.

▸ Get in touch below to find out how you can join

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The Friends of Bluett’s Block

The Friends of Bluetts Block was established to protect and advocate for one of the best remaining large areas of high quality bushland in the inner-south of Canberra. Bluett’s varied habitats include Box-Gum Grassy Woodland, Dry Forest and Natural Temperate Grassland. Rocky outcrops abound. These environments allow for a high diversity of plants and animals, including many rare species. The area is also an important connectivity link for wildlife dispersing and moving across the ACT.

▸ Get in touch below to find out how you can join

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The Kambah Heights Park Group

This is a new group. Check back later for more info!
In the mean-time find out how you can get involved by clicking the link below

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The Musgrove Musterers

This is a new group. Check back later for more info!

In the mean-time find out how you can get involved by clicking the link below.

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The Friends of Wanniassa Hills

Friends of Wanniassa Hills is a newly formed ParkCare group that was started at the beginning of 2023. Weeding, revegetation, nature surveys, public information and education are some of the focus areas in this diversity in the east of the Southern Catchment area.

▸ Get in touch below to find out how you can join

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Holder Wetlands

The Holder Wetlands Urban Landcare Group formed to look after and protect the Holder Wetlands, so that it remains a good quality and lasting asset to the surrounding suburbs and Canberra.

▸ Held every second Sunday of the month.
▸ 10am–12pm during winter.
▸ 9am–11am during summer
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Fetherston Gardens

The Fetherston Gardens Friends were formed in 2010 to restore Fetherston Gardens for the use of our local community. The Friends aim to ensure the legacy of these Gardens is maintained by continuing the tradition of an informal and diverse garden that promotes horticultural education and knowledge.

▸ The group meets on the last Sunday of each month – 10am-1pm (except December and January). Morning tea is around 11:30am. There are also working bees on the second Wednesday of every month, though these typically don’t include morning tea.
▸ Our volunteers are all ages. We welcome everyone.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Weston Creek Orchard

The Weston Creek Orchard Group’s aims are to rejuvenate the site and fruit trees as a community orchard using organic, permaculture and biodynamic practices. This will strengthen the plants, soil and creating habitat while supporting the growth of nutritious healthy fruit for the community. The group also aims to support community education on the care of fruit trees and understanding of organic and biodynamic agricultural practices and sustainable land management.

▸ Working bees are open to anyone, and are usually held every 3rd Sunday of the month from 10am.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Illoura Horse Owners Group

Illoura Horse Owners Group aim is to refurbish the hospital paddock – this means hand remove weeds, snags, rubbish and install several more drinking points. Then ‘corner fence’ two corners to allow tall fast growing native trees and shrubs to grow as shelter that is out of reach of horses.

This Group isn't currently seeking new members, but if you'd like to get in touch use the link below

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Hughes Grassy Woodland

The Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland are a community group who formed with the purpose of protecting a small patch of Red Gum-Yellow Box Grassy Woodland in the suburb of Hughes. The woodland is an important ecological community- home to numerous species of native plants and two registered significant trees.

▸ To Join the Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland Click the link below and fill out the contact form

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Croton Park

Croton Park Carers are a small group of residents living near Croton Park in Rivett. This urban park is quite sparse as dead plants have not been replaced over the years. Their aim is to re-green the park with a variety of local native plants, especially understory species, to provide a haven for residents and residents. Indirectly it is a wonderful opportunity for people to get to know each other and strengthen the local community networks.

This group isn't currently seeking new members, but if you'd like to get in touch use the link below

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Oakey Hill

Over the past 14 years the Oakey Hill Parkcare Group have helped to keep Oakey Hill clear of weeds, maintained the walking tracks and preserved the natural qualities of this reserve. New volunteers always welcome! Remember to bring gloves, use sunblock and bring a drink of water.

▸ Held on the third Sunday of Each month usually 9-12pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

All are welcome to join or find out more click the link below

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Hughes Garran Woodland

The aim of the Hughes Garran Woodland Group is to develop the Woodland as an amenity park for the local community. It is not a Nature Park, but in the longer term, the aim is to restore the area to look like the original box-gum grassy woodland it once was.

▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.
▸ If you are interested in joining or finding out more click the link below

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Red Hill

The Red Hill Regeneratin Group are a volunteer Parkcare Group committed to restoring the native bushland ecology of the Red Hill Nature Reserve in Canberra.

▸ Held on the 1st Sunday of each month, 9am-12:30pm (except for January)
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Griffith Woodland

Griffith Woodland Volunteer Group aims to protect and improve the urban space off La Perouse Street, Block 55 Section 92. This site contains a wealth of native trees, shrubs and grasses and has many features of endangered Box-Gum Woodland. It needs to be protected and enhanced so that it can remain a valuable recreation area for local residents, and a valuable habitat and food source for native fauna. The Griffith Woodland is currently under pressure due to exotic weed and grass growth which threatens native species.

▸ Usually take place every 3rd Sunday of the month, from 9am to 10:30am– ending in tea and biscuits.
▸ Our volunteers are all ages. We welcome everyone.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Cooleman Ridge

The Cooleman Ridge Park Care Group consists of local volunteers who work on and for Cooleman Ridge. The aim of the Group is to maintain and increase native species of flora and fauna that are local to the area.

▸ Usually take place every 3rd Sunday of the month, in the mornings during summer and the afternoons during autumn, winter and spring.
▸ A smaller group meets every Friday morning near Kathner St Dam
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Isaacs Ridge/Mt Mugga Mugga

The Isaacs Ridge Mount Mugga Mugga ParkCare Group is a small group of volunteers who meet on the second Sunday of each month to carry out weed management and other conservation activities in Mugga Mugga and Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserves.

▸ Second Sunday of each month 9:30 am – 11:30 am
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Crozier Circuit Reserve

The Crozier Circuit Reserve is located in Kambah on Crozier Cct. The reserve has been landscaped by local residents. It creates an attractive green space among the suburbs. The plantings are all Australian natives and provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. The Crozier Urban Carers contonue the ongoing job of maintaining the reserve.

▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.
▸ To find out more click the link below

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Farrer Ridge

Volunteers have been working on Farrer Ridge Nature Park, since the Landcare movement started in 1989. They have been awarded a Community Landcare Award for their work. Though they have succeeded in removing most woody weeds, they are still being spread by birds from nearby garden plants, we still get some Cotoneasters, Pyracanthas, Tree of Heaven, and Briar Roses.

New members are always welcome!

▸ Volunteers meet once a month usually on the 1st Sunday, and work for 2 hours(10am-12pm)
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Urambi Hills

Friends of Urambi Hills are a small Parkcare Group who want to learn about the ecosystems on the hills, look after the Hills and meet their neighbours. Join a really lovely group of volunteers as they carry out erosion control, weeding, tree planting and erosion work. First time volunteers are welcome to attend but please let us know by using the link below.

▸ The last Sunday of the Month (9am – 11am)
▸ Meeting at Meredith Circuit entrance to Urambi Hills Reserve (between 34 and 42 Meredith Circuit Kambah)
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Tuggeranong Lake

The Tuggeranong Lake and Catchment Carers are a community group striving to make Lake Tuggeranong and its surroundings a cleaner, healthier and better place for people to enjoy and wildlife to thrive.

▸ The TLC Group meets ad-hoc to run clean-ups and participates annually in Clean-up Australia Day at the lake.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Southern Murrumbidgee

POSM are a small, informal, enthusiastic ParkCare group who take care of an area on the Murrumbidgee River, from Point Hut Crossing to Pine Island, including part of Barney’s Hill. It’s a beautiful area, frequently used by runners, walkers and dog walkers, and people swimming and kayaking.

▸ Held on the first Saturday of the month from 9am to 12pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Strangers Pond

The vision of the Friends of Strangers Pond is to maintain and improve this area of Australian bush in Bonython for the preservation of native plants, a home for native animals and for the pleasure of people.

▸ Held on the third Sunday of the month from 10am to 12pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Tuggeranong Homestead

MOTH is committed to fostering a viable and respectful future for the remnant historic property based on the values of preservation, restoration and enjoyment for all Australians. MOTH demonstrates this commitment by undertaking various landcare and practical tasks and promoting cultural heritage values to the wider community. We would welcome enquiries from community minded people who would like to join us in our landcare work or perhaps help out at some of our other activities – taking guided walks around the property and hosting Sunday afternoon events where distinguished writers and historians give a talk.

▸ Held on Tuesday Mornings
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Simpson Hill

Minders about Simpsons Hill (MASH) is a Parkcare Group for Simpsons Hill Nature Reserve in Chisholm, ACT.

▸ The group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month between 10-12pm at Simpsons Hill flagpole
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Tuggeranong Hill

The Friends of Tuggeranong Hill are a collective of volunteers from the Tuggeranong community who get a lot of satisfaction from looking after “our Hill”. Their aims are to reduce invasive weeds, and plant shrubs, trees and grasses to protect locally endangered species.

▸ Held on the second Sunday of the month from 9am to 12pm (earlier for hot days)
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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The Friends of Tidbinbilla have been a fixture of Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve since 1992. We work alongside rangers to help to protect the natural and cultural environment of Tidbinbilla nature reserve, south of Canberra along the Paddys River Road in the Tidbinbilla Valley.

▸ The Friends’ activities are generally scheduled for the second and third Saturdays of each month. The second Saturday is usually Waterwatch activities.
▸ Meet at the Ranger Depot at 10.00am, usually finishing around midday.
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Gudgenby Valley

The Gudgenby Bush Regeneration Group (GRBG) is a park care group established to involve the community in the task of rehabilitating land formerly occupied by a pine plantation in Namadgi National Park, 50 km south of Canberra.

▸ Held on the second Saturday of the month from 9am to 3pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Mawson Ponds

Friends of Mawson Ponds is an Urban Parks and Places Group established to make the Mawson Pond’s area a great place for both the community and the native flora and fauna. The group has been planting native plants as part of a wildlife corridor, as well as improving the amenity of the space by installing seating and more.

▸ Held every Wednesday morning for an hour and half
▸ 8:30 am (summer), 9:00 am (winter)
▸ We also meet Sunday afternoons several times a year
▸ We finish every working bee with morning tea and a chat
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Bill Kennedy Memorial Park

Holder Landcare group have been undertaking habitat restoration in a 1600sqm area at the Stapylton Street end of Bill Kennedy Memorial Park (BKMP), Holder, since 2020. The remnant vegetation within BKMP is a degraded patch of Blakely’s Red Gum – Yellow Box tall grassy woodland where a few significant hollow bearing eucalyptus trees have been identified. Prior to these Landcare activities there was little understory and a lack of native grasses and groundcovers.

▸ We aim to meet at least once a month
(either Saturday or Sunday)
▸ We meet more often in Spring and
▸ Around 10 am to 12 noon (accomodating
volunteer availabilty and weather)
▸ Please bring sturdy footwear, sun
protection, water bottle, plus gloves and
gardening tools if possible
▸ Contact us to find out about our next
working bee and how to register as a
member of Holder Community Landcare

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Cooleman Farm Neighbourhood Park

Cooleman Farm Neighborhood Park Volunteer Group’s long term goals are to develop an aesthetically pleasing, resilient landscape which provides wildlife connectivity, diverse habitat and a variety of spaces for intergenerational recreation and education.
The group is wanting to:
• plant more native plants in the area
• install rocks for habitat and erosion control
• make improvements to the path.

▸ Get in touch below to find out how you can join

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Conder Wetlands

The Friends of Conder Wetlands group are an active and engaged group of local volunteers who have dedicated their time to improving and caring for the wetlands and surrounding area. The Friends of Conder Wetlands look after the site by weeding and planting native vegetation to improve the habitat and amenity of the site.

▸ Held on the first Sunday of the month from 9am to 12pm
▸ Please bring sturdy shoes, gloves, sun-protection and water.

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Hughes (Friends of Nature)

Hughes Friends of Nature Group are a group of Parkcare volunteers of all ages working in the park land running from the Federal Golf Course to Kent Street. An Environment Plan was completed in March 2023 which will guide our activities over the next 10 years.

▸ Get in touch below to find out how you can join

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Bluett's Block

The Friends of Bluetts Block was established to protect and advocate for one of the best remaining large areas of high quality bushland in the inner-south of Canberra. Bluett’s varied habitats include Box-Gum Grassy Woodland, Dry Forest and Natural Temperate Grassland. Rocky outcrops abound. These environments allow for a high diversity of plants and animals, including many rare species. The area is also an important connectivity link for wildlife dispersing and moving across the ACT.

▸ Get in touch below to find out how you can join

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Kambah Heights

This is a new group. Check back later for more info!
In the mean-time find out how you can get involved by clicking the link below

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Musgrove (Musterers)

This is a new group. Check back later for more info!

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Wanniassa Hills

Friends of Wanniassa Hills is a newly formed ParkCare group that was started at the beginning of 2023. Weeding, revegetation, nature surveys, public information and education are some of the focus areas in this diversity in the east of the Southern Catchment area.

▸ Get in touch below to find out how you can join

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Mount Taylor

The Mount Taylor Parkcare Group meet monthly to continue their work to maintain and extend the progress they have made over the past two decades. By working toward suppressing the spread of weeds, tree/shrub/grass plantings and erosion control we ensure that the mountain maintains its place as a haven for runners, walkers and various animal and plant species.

▸ Mt Taylor ParkCare group run working bees every 1st Sunday of the month (10am-12:30pm) to maintain their local mountain bushland

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Yate Rocks Rivett