Wildlife Monitoring at Tuggeranong Hill and Cooleman Ridge

Creatures Captured on Camera Through the Australian Government’s Communities Environment Program, we’ve purchased equipment for wildlife monitoring, and tested a woodland wildlife citizen science program with volunteers. We have successfully recorded some micro-bats with volunteers from Red Hill, and have also managed to get some wildlife monitoring cameras out on …

Namadgi Bushfire Recovery 2021 Update

Namadgi Bushfire recovery Projects 2020-2021   Approximately 80 percent of Namadgi National Park burnt in the devastating fires of 2019/2020 which significantly affected local plants and wildlife. SACTCG has been working with Landcare ACT (LACT) and the ACT Parks and Conservation Service to host a series of events for members …

Happy Holidays from SACTCG

We can hardly believe it- but it’s Holiday Time again! Southern ACT Catchment Group would like to thank all our members and friends for your work over the last year looking after our natural environment in the South and working with us on many exciting projects. We look forward to …

Local Grass Identification Workshop

As part of a Transport and City Services Adopt-a-Park grant, Southern ACT Catchment Group has organised three Grass Identification Workshops to help urban landcare volunteers understand and identify grass species in their local patch. The first workshop was open to SACTCG members of urban landcare groups and took place at …

Tree Health Survey

Southern ACT Catchment Group has partnered with ACT Government’s Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Department to develop a survey to record data on tree health, in response to community concern about the health of some of their local trees- particularly Yellow Box E. Melliodora and Blakely’s Red Gum E. Blakelyi. …

ACT Environment Grants

SACTCG is pleased to announce that we have received four grants through the ACT Environment Grants Program to run projects with member groups across Southern ACT. These are: Bird and bee friendly gardens in the Holder Wetland Precinct with the Holder Wetlands Volunteer Group- $21,750 Protecting Pink-tailed worm Lizard habitat …