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Waterwatch Coordination

Funded by the ACT Government, this project employs a part-time Waterwatch Coordinator for southern ACT. This person has the job of supporting the Waterwatch volunteers with supplies of analytical apparatus and chemicals, with training, with collecting, sorting and passing on the volunteers observations and with providing feed-back to the volunteers …

Water Education in Southern ACT

(Funded by Caring for Our Country, ACT Environment Grants and ActewAGL Source Water Protection Program Education Grants) The project provides for the part time employment of a qualified teacher as an Education Officer with the Southern ACT Catchment Group to develop and implement a source water protection education program for …

Canberra’s Nature

This project, funded by the ACT NRM Council Small Grants Program aims to raise community awareness on the values of Canberra Nature Park (and other natural areas) within the urban area by producing a series of postcards and associated banners from high quality images taken within the southern Reserves of …

Restoring the remnant Yellow box / Redgum woodland at Tuggeranong Homestead

The 31 hectare heritage listed Tuggeranong Homestead site includes two paddocks which have a large number of mature and healthy Yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora) and Redgum (E. blakelyi) trees present. This project will conserve and enhance this small area of the nationally endangered ecological community. The main issue associated with …

Connecting Revegetation Works Along the Murrumbidgee River Corridor

This project is will build on the work undertaken under the 2014/15 Environment Grant “Murrumbidgee River Riparian Revegetation at Castle Hill” extending the revegetation works both up and down stream of this project. It will also link to plantings undertaken in the Million Trees Program and provide supplement planting to …

Restoration of the Cotter

With funding through the ACT Environment Grants this project will address multiple land management priorities in the rehabilitation of a heavily degraded site on the banks of the Enlarged Cotter Dam (ECD) previously used as the construction headquarters of the ECD project. Its principal aims are to accelerate the rehabilitation …

Green Army

The Green Army is a hands-on, practical environmental action programme funded by the Australian Government that supports local environment and heritage conservation projects across Australia. The Southern ACT Catchment Group, in partnership with the Ginninderra Catchment Group, Molonglo Catchment Group and Landcare ACT have already run 2 very successful Green …